This dot density map shows the population density of the United States, where 1 dot=7500 people. This type of map is used to represent a certain category of data, and project it in an easy and attractive form.
This propaganda map shows the United States colored according to how each county voted in an election. maps such as this can be used to sway people's thoughts, and for personal gain of creator.
This hypsometric map shows Scotland in great detail. A hypsometric map depicts the earth's surface with the use of shading, contour lines, tinting, or relief models.
This is a PLSS map showing different survey and land partitioning districts. The PLSS (Public Land Survey System) is a way of describing and subdividing land in the U.S.
This cadastral map shows a section of a city with colors representing different kinds of ownership. A cadastral map is a legal map that describes boundaries and ownership.
This shows a thematic map of the Illinois river watershed. A thematic map is used to represent a certain theme, as in this map each different color represents a unique soil depth.
This topographic map is a subsection of a state forest map. A topographic map shows elevation changes over a given area. The closer the lines are together, the steeper the slope.