Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Star Plot

This star plot shows attribute relationships between 5 different designs of a product. A star plot is a graphical data analysis technique for examining the relative behavior of all variables in a multivariate data set. The star plot consists of a sequence of equi-angular spokes. Each spoke represents a different variable in the multivariate data set.

Image Source: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/09/MER_Star_Plot.gif

Correlation Matrix

In this matrix, types of returns over 35 years are compared on a monthly scale. A correlation matrix describes correlation among X number of variables.

Image Source:http://www.investors-routemap.co.uk/images/correlation.gif

Similarity Matrix

This image is of a genetic similarity matrix. A similarity matrix is a matrix of scores which express the similarity between two data points. Higher scores are given to more-similar characters, and lower or negative scores for dissimilar characters.

Image Source: http://www.scielo.cl/fbpe/img/ejb/v10n4/a10/ap2b.jpg

Stem and Leaf Plot

This stem and leaf plot depicts infant mortality rates in Western Africa. A stem and leaf plot in statistics is a device for presenting quantitative data in graphical format.

Image Source: http://mainland.cctt.org/mathsummer/JosephBond/StemAndPlots/images/table2.gif

Box Plot

This box plot shows the stopping distances of three different designs of a product. Box plots can be useful to display differences between populations without making any assumptions of the underlying statistical distribution they are non-parametric. The spacings between the different parts of the box help indicate the degree of dispersion and skewness in the data, and identify outliers. Box plots can be drawn either horizontally or vertically.

Image Source: http://math.youngzones.org/boxplot.gif


This histogram shows how many students scored in each of 5 categories. A histogram is a graphical display of frequencies, and shows what proportion of cases fall into each of several categories.

Image Source: http://media.techtarget.com/digitalguide/images/Misc/iw_histogram.gif

Parallel Coordinate Graph

This graph shows many different baseball statistics, and how they relate to each other. A parallel coordinate graph is a data visualization technique used in analyzing large sets of multivariate data. Each variable in the data plot is represented as its own Y Axis on the graph. A maximum point for each Y axis is selected, and they are scaled relatively to each other so that each variable takes up the same area in the graph space.

Image Source: http://www.matthewtavares.com/baseball_report/